Reports, reports, reports!!!

Up the mountain we go! It's that time of the year again when I'm permanently glued to the computer. As I type this post, I have unfortunately got distracted from my reports in the need of having a break! ;-) Whilst I sit here chomping on a double chocolate subway cookie, I am attempting to have a quick 5 minute break. 


Break over! 


1) Set up your student files by gender! This is very simple and stops the issue of needing to find and replace he's, she's, his, her, himself, herself...etc.
2) Inside your gender files, set up 3-4 differentiated folders (Low, middle, middle-high, high)
3) Create a bank of general comments in-line with your differentiated groups, copy & paste for every child in that group followed by a quick edit and tweek. 

If you have any other fantastic ideas to support with this long tell! ;-)


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