R2M! Is your class doing this?


What's R2M? Is your class doing it?

Thousands of students, whether young, teenage or adult love star wars! As such, its characters are a great way to inject some captivating, visual stimulus into your classroom. 

So what is R2M? Inspired by the character's name R2-D2, R2M stands for 'Respond to Marking!' 

This is simply time that teachers give to students on a daily basis (where possible) for students to reflect and respond to marking. This is an incredibly important step in the learning process and often missed due to timetable demands. However, I have found that simply adding this to your daily routine (approx 5-10 mins) is positive in many ways;
  1. Students take more time and care over their work by checking, correcting and evaluating.
  2. Students enjoy responding back to their teacher.
  3. Students appreciate their marking more.
  4. Student's discussions on learning outcomes are more proactive, positive and reflective.
  5. Student's understanding and knowledge of their progress is deeper as they identify their next steps.

Finally...they love it and even request this time. After all, what's the point in marking if they don't read it and learn from it; similarly, what's the point in doing the work, if they don't see the teacher responding to it effectively?

Try this and let me know how it goes for you!  :)


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