The BLOGFOLIO...have you got one?

The newest word to hit the professional development scene: BLOGFOLIO

With the rapid growth of online social and professional networking platforms, more and more people are connecting and sharing their expertise online. The professional network is huge and I'm still only just getting to grips with twitter, Google+ and Blogger myself, which are only but a few of the networks out there. Long gone are the days where handing a simple CV to an employer would suffice. 

It's become apparent that employers are using these social networking sites to help them find the right person for the job. Do you exist online right now in a professional capacity? If so, how do you come across? Your online profile could be the reason you are successful or unsuccessful in today's employment market. 

It's a dog eat dog world out there with a BLOG vs BLOG INVEST IN YOURSELF this year and create a shining online professional profile

As you can see, I have only just created this blogfolio for myself and it's fun. I think I've developed a new hobby and can call myself a blogger. However, even now as I write this post, I am still wondering; what is a Blogfolio? What should be on it? 

Read my tips below on how to create a successful Blogfolio. I will be working on such pointers myself...

1) Choose a quality blog provider

The top 3 most recommended and user friendly hosts at the moment are;

2) Design an easy and simple layout. Make sure your sidebar is simple with only a few added widgets that are important for your followers such as; a nice picture of yourself, About you, Follow me, Most Popular Posts and links to your other accounts such as twitter or facebook etc. An over-complicated layout puts off readers.

3) Colour, design and formatting - Again, simple is best and your host will have great preset designs already to choose from.

4) As this is a professional Blogfolio, make sure your title includes your name. It can still be quirky and you can write a small description about yourself underneath to entice and give your reader a quick introduction. First impressions are crucial, so keep it clear and simple. 


Once you have your design and blog name/web address all sorted you can start blogging. 

But what should you put on your Blogfolio? 


5) Write Fresh, Interesting & Up-to-date posts: Your professional posts can be anything related to your field. Spend time researching the newest topics of debate, resources & strategies etc. I find the best way to do this is through Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ as these networking platforms are excellent for finding other colleagues in your field sharing great tips and advice. Spend time and invest in making new links with other professionals online. This is the most important and best part. Sharing great practice and networking with others in your field is the best way to improve and develop yourself. As teachers we all know that getting out of the classroom and onto a training course is difficult and are few and far between. Online is the way forward. 

6) Start BLOGGING! Once you've spent time networking and gathering your own material start blogging. Once you create your first few posts, don't be shy and share them with your followers on your other networking sites. Write and enjoy :)

7) As your blogfolio develops, you may then decide to add different pages to your blog to separate key information. As a teacher for example, I may decide to create different pages with the following titles; Home, About Me, Teaching Strategies, Resources, Recommended Links etc.

8) Take this task one step at a time and simply enjoy it. :)

“Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.” – Albert Einstein

How are you getting on with your online profiles? Do you have a blogfolio?  


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