
Showing posts from 2013

Some favourite snaps of learning outside of the classroom... :)

2013 Batik Factory Visit   Jerejak Residential  Chinese New Year  Landscapes We have thoroughly enjoyed a variety of great outdoors learning experiences this year. Year 3 have taken part in the following: Visit to a Batik Factory (Fashion) Visit to a clothes factory (Fashion) Jerejak Island Residential (Rainforests) Divali Celebrations Chinese New Year Celebrations Navigation Around the school (Adventurers and Explorers) Visit to the local beach (Science) Adventure to Turtle Beach (Adventurers and Explorers) Wow...such a busy year! :) 

Reports, reports, reports!!!

Up the mountain we go! It's that time of the year again when I'm permanently glued to the computer. As I type this post, I have unfortunately got distracted from my reports in the need of having a break! ;-) Whilst I sit here chomping on a double chocolate subway cookie, I am attempting to have a quick 5 minute break.  ..... Break over!  TIPS FOR ORGANISING YOUR REPORTS 1) Set up your student files by gender! This is very simple and stops the issue of needing to find and replace he's, she's, his, her, himself, herself...etc. 2) Inside your gender files, set up 3-4 differentiated folders (Low, middle, middle-high, high) 3) Create a bank of general comments in-line with your differentiated groups, copy & paste for every child in that group followed by a quick edit and tweek.  If you have any other fantastic ideas to support with this long tell! ;-)

Get your students to mark it for you!! Great tips :)

This post was also shared on The Staff Room We all know that peer and self assessment is the best way to ensure that our students are truly reflecting on their progress. It's with self and peer evaluation that helps young students learn how to assess their efforts and achieve the highest level of thinking; evaluation.  What do you think? How do you feel? What do you think you have improved? How have you improved since your last attempt? Was your outcome successful? If so, how? If not, why?  Not only is self evaluation crucial, peer evaluation offers our students the opportunity to learn how to provide supportive and constructive feedback to others. A necessary skill needed in employment. It can be very challenging to implement this with our timetable demands. How can we find the time to do this? Tip 1 - train your students in a few weeks with this simple key! Symbols are quick and easy to complete. Older students can spend more time writing reflection state...

LEARNING LOGS - The best idea for engaging children in reading and writing!

Learning Logs 'I love doing my learning log every week. I get to choose my own research topic and I really enjoy making my pages interactive with flaps, questions and quizzes for my reader. It's so much fun!' Innuka, 8 Years Old, SCIPS, Penang. Are you bogged down with the daunting task of preparing daily homework for your class? Do your activities allow for creativity, choice & independence? Are you setting homework daily, marking daily & feeling frustrated with sheets/books/sheets/books/sheets/books piling up on your desk, on top of your daily class work? Learning logs are one of the best teaching ideas to inspire children to write. With a purpose, an audience and independence to choose, every child can present their ideas, thoughts and research in their own unique way. A way to improve this scrap-booking log idea further, children could present their research online by blogging either directly or by posting images of their log entry. Parents love ...

Message to everyone: A few days left of our Easter break...

Wow! Those 2 weeks flew by :( I could seriously enjoy a further month off by the beach. I enjoyed a lovely weekend away in Bali even though our intended trip was supposed to be 10 days...we kind of spent too much money early on! Oh was a great weekend though! I've really enjoyed setting up my blog and sharing posts with you this holiday. During my teaching term, I will be making every effort to keep this up every week...somehow! My new mission. It's the term of dreaded long report writing again.  *Does anybody have any great teaching tips to share about this? How to manage your time etc?? Share with me here as a comment, or if you would like your ideas published in the The Staff Room @ please send an email to me at: It's great professional development, great exposure & completely free... Enjoy the rest of your break everyone!  Miss Rix


Please read my article on SUCCESS CHECK POINTS - A great way to ensure formative assessment is effective in your classroom. CLICK HERE Published in the Staff Room @

The BLOGFOLIO...have you got one?

The newest word to hit the professional development scene:   B LOGFOLIO With the rapid growth of online social and professional networking platforms, more and more people are connecting and sharing their expertise online. The professional network is huge and I'm still only just getting to grips with twitter, Google+ and Blogger myself, which are only but a few of the networks out there. Long gone are the days where handing a simple CV to an employer would suffice.  It's become apparent that employers are using these social networking sites to help them find the right person for the job.   Do you exist online right now in a professional capacity? If so, how do you come across?   Your online profile could be the reason you are successful or unsuccessful in today's employment market.  It's a dog eat dog world out there with a BLOG vs BLOG   INVEST IN YOURSELF   this year and create a shining   online professional p...

It's the final've nearly reached the summit!

ARTICLE Click here >>>  It's the final climb...You've nearly reached the summit! Great tips on surviving long terms by managing your work/life balance. 

Goodbye Spring Term, Hello Bali!

Another successful term with Year 3! We enjoyed 3 class trips, our first residential & assembly performance. We loved learning about Fashion & Rainforests! A lot of progress and smiley faces... but now it's holiday time! :D

Welcome to my Blogfolio!

Dear Visitor,  Welcome to my BLOGFOLIO! Here I will update many things related to my professional field, teaching! Blogging seems to be the way forward, so I'm giving it a go and trying something new! I enjoy sharing expertise and have done so in person with colleagues either whom I work with or met at courses, but I've recently joined communities online and it's one of the best sources of professional development out there! The sky's the limit! I love researching interesting articles on the web and getting that feeling of inspiration when you find a good one. If you have a blog, please share your link with me!  As well as this, I am the creator of two other BLOGS: 1StepEnglish - Description: taps into my Learning English ONLINE platform to support my specialism in English (ESL) Launched January 2013 The Staff Room (Teachers Only) - Description: this is my way of creating a hub for teachers to get together and share great's also for fun! ;) N...