Magic Moments - Put it in a jar!

Put it in a jar! Sometimes, it's easy to forget about those wonderful 'wow moments' . However hard we try as teachers to recognise those precious moments, they're so easy to forget with the every day hustle & bustle of a buzzing school. Not to mention the one million other 'TO DO' things you're trying to remember. Inspired by a friend, try this! It's simple and very effective! Throughout your academic year, every time one of your students amaze you with a 'wow moment', write it onto a post-it note and add it to your class jar. At the end of the year, sit and read these moments with your class. You will be amazed at how much progress can be shared together, not to mention the warmth created within the atmosphere, seeing smiles all around when you walk down memory lane. Give it a try... 'the best PSHE lesson I ever had, revealing their moments.'